Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just a little something to chew on.

I was advised by Dr. Heinz Insu Fenkl that in terms of publishing my work I must split myself into two sides: the unassailable artist (always determined and confident), and the business side (receptive of criticism and inquisitive).

With my manuscript done, and school presiding over everything I do I find that I am only capable of having the business side, to which, ho boy! I've learned a lot, and I'm definitely fully capable of tapping into that perspective, but it is very tiring and a lot of work.
It's annoying, I really can't do any more work with Suicide (artistically) until summer.

Meanwhile my classes are getting on my nerves.
Oh well. Bitch bitch bitch, right?

Here's a print I made:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This weekend I go to COMICON in NYC! Mainly I am attending to test the waters in terms of who's publishing what etc, but hopefully I'll get the chance to get some interest in my manuscript. In the meantime I've been working pretty hard readjusting to Bristol board and Sakura pigment markers. Here are the results of today's endeavors, hopefully by the end of summer I will have gotten Scott Mcloud's book and gotten my hands dirty in serious illustration.