Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Well, Halloween was brilliant as always. Though my favorite holiday is Christmas, there is no holiday that matches the creativity of All Hallow's Eve.

Today I got my Halloween package from my parents. Chocolate balls, a book and a card. The card situation is problematic. Every card I receive is a Far Side comic. The problem with this is that I literally own every comic Gary Larson ever made in The Far Side. I've read every single one, several times. I'm being a brat, I know. But there really is no logical reason why I should continue getting Gary Larson cards on every occasion that involves card giving.

I'm going to request that my father make the cards himself from now on. I always make mine, as they insist. I shall do the same.
They're more personal that way.

The book was my dad's: Morgan Howell's "A Woman Worth Ten Coppers." The first of his new trilogy.

Before I shamelessly plug my own father's writing I want you to know that I don't do fantasy novels. I suppose my reason for this may be that I don't want to subconsciously imitate another 's work. But the real reason is that every fantasy novel I had picked up previously bored me to tears. Except Beowulf, but that's really in a category of its own.

The characters, stories and adventures are either too cliche, too drawn out, or too irrelevant. By that I mean that there is no appeal to my own emotional/human experience.

So when I began to read "The Queen of the Orcs," I was the biggest of the skeptics. Especially since I am an avid orc fan.

But instead of praising him, I will merely offer up the chance for you to do your own investigation.


There are plenty of reviews on Amazon, all of them a lot more articulate than what mine might be.

You should buy a lot of them. They're putting me through college.

I will scan some stuff soon, I think. I'm feverishly working on an autobiographical comic that is now over 30 pages long. Woo wee.

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